Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes 12-28-19

Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes 12-28-19

Welcome back, Scotty Gee Radio fans to the show notes for the final Scotty Gee Radio show of 2019.  I had originally planned to go for three hours tonight but that kind of went out the window and resulted in a FOUR-hour show!  We had another game of stitch-up for...

Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes 12-18-19

Another early morning, another Scotty Gee Radio show on Live 365.  Firstly, I would like to thank Binnie Gee for becoming a patron.  Every dollar raised helps keep the radio show going.  It costs money to buy the music and to pay for the Live 365 monthly fee to put on...
Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes 12-07-19

Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes 12-07-19

Tonight’s show started out with the bane of my existence.  The dreaded technical difficulties.  After a few songs where nobody could hear me but could hear the music (maybe for the best?), I took a short break, rejigged some settings, and the show then went off...
Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes 12/04/19

Scotty Gee Radio Show Notes 12/04/19

The first Scotty Gee Radio morning show was today, with a different contest and a new way to track which songs were played.  I decided to pay for a monthly subscription with, which automatically posts the “Now Playing” track from Live365 to...
Scotty Gee Radio Notes for 11/23

Scotty Gee Radio Notes for 11/23

The first-ever Scotty Gee Radio Show was on Saturday, November 23rd.  In case you missed it, here are the show notes. The show amazingly started on time and without technical difficulties which have become part and parcel of The Scotty Gee Show on Youtube.  I started...